
Healthcare inequity permeates contemporary United States society. This publication, which dissects healthcare disparities from a multitude of perspective, is an imagined collaboration with the Center for Disease Control’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. This division of the CDC is committed to advocacy, research, education, and remediation of health care disparities in the United States. The publication, directed towards non-healthcare professionals, would be placed in waiting rooms and public health offices for individuals to peruse or take home with them.

Articles were sourced from various media outlets and combined with features such as provider interviews and special topics such as stroke. The design features a cool, predominantly green and blue color palette which is often seen in the healthcare industry. The visual design is clean and somewhat “clinical” (evocative of what one might expect from such a publication) with interspersed emotionally provocative imagery to maintain a necessary sense of humanism and empathy given the nature of the subject.

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Greenmarket Grocery (Branding Case Study)